7 Secret Process Weapons for D&O Questionnaire & Proxy Season

D&O Questionnaire and Proxy season is upon us once more.

You may notice a tinge of dread in the air as everyone returns from their holiday travels and picks through their email inboxes. Visions of documents, signatures and checklists dance in their heads — the prospect of late nights and long email chains looming on the horizon.

The good news? 

It doesn’t have to hurt so much. 

There is a solution, and we have it.

Cloud Concinnity® is the secret process weapon for high quality performance.

Smart technology applied to repeatable processes is the secret weapon for this stressful season.

The D&O Questionnaire process doesn’t have to hurt so much. Proxy season need not overwhelm. Annual meeting prep doesn’t have to bring everything else to a grinding halt.

We’ve built a process engine around the needs of top of house executives and board directors. 

Our founding team has over 100 years of collective experience in the boardroom and C-suite, both serving and advising, so we are more than a little familiar with the anxieties of the season. 

Top of house productivity requires tools tailored to executive leaders.

With these secret weapons, your time is well spent where you make your greatest contributions: shaping the story of your company to the world.

Here’s what that looks like.

7 Secret Process Weapons for D&O Questionnaire & Proxy Season

1. Centralize with an Everything Hub

Imagine how much more quickly things could come together if all of the documents and their related communications, signatures and due dates were securely stored together in one place, easily accessible on any device, anytime. What are you going to do with all that free time?

2. Simplify & Empower Your D&O Questionnaire

Cloud Concinnity® stores all of your D&O information from last year, so your Directors and Executives can simply update it as needed. Now you can prepare proxy disclosures on director credentials, independence and any related party transactions seamlessly — without chasing everyone down.

3. Automate Proxy Preparation

Cloud Concinnity® comes with a starter bundle of pre-configured “Proxy Material Preparation” processes so you’re ready to go on day one. Dates, deadlines and schedules help streamline the predictable work, and custom workflows make it simple to adapt as-you-go, no matter what your company’s processes require.

4. Streamline your Annual Meeting Needs

Cloud Concinnity® comes pre-loaded with timeframes and action steps built on top of annual meeting best practices. No more wondering whether there is a better method. There is. And we built it. Nothing is forgotten. Everything is streamlined.

5. Meet SEC Compliance Requirements In Advance

We build your SEC regulatory calendar and assistance for meeting your disclosure requirements right into the tool. Instead of scrambling for specifics at the last minute, you’ll have everything ready to go well in advance.

6. Bulletproof Security

Cloud Concinnity® is SOC2 certified, meaning anything you do inside our software is protected by the most secure software standards in the world. You determine who can access materials, so you can limit conversations to those with the need to know, even have counsel conduct attorney-client privileged communications, when needed. Speak freely about sensitive topics with peace of mind you’ll never get on email, text or other tools.

7. Build Strong Habits

When board directors and executives have their communication muscles in shape, firing off quick messages to your trusted inner circle becomes a superpower. What feels overwhelming can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently, keeping anxiety low and allowing for fast action.

In Conclusion

The D&O Questionnaire process doesn’t have to hurt so much. Proxy season doesn’t have to induce panic. Annual meeting preparation doesn’t have to bring everything else to a grinding halt.

Top of house productivity requires top of house tools. 

Process is the secret weapon of high performance. 

Let smart technology applied to repeatable processes be your secret weapon this season.

Click here to learn more about how CC helps with D&O and Proxy Season.